8 comments on “May Snow on Mount Shasta (I Am Still Here)

  1. So Much For The Wokies, Weirdo’s, Global Warming Freaks…. It’s Just Mother Nature. People Act Like The Earth Has Only Been Here For Two Thousand Year’s. Try Billions. We Know Nothing. About What The Earth Goes Through.

  2. Pingback: Avalanches And Auroras | Hike Mt. Shasta

  3. Yep, Texas is about to get into the doldrums of summer. My PCT hiking partner had to bail on our section hike we had set for July, so now I’m rethinking plans.

    • I’m sorry the PCT trip fell through. What section were you guys going to do? When were you going to head out? There are some really nice sections of the PCT here too. Of course, nothing beats the High Sierra section, but this is still a quality section and it has fantastic views of Mount Shasta and the Trinity Alps. As always, cabin here in Shasta is available, if you want a mellow trip, explore the area, day hike etc.

      • I think I’m pivoting to a section of the Colorado Trail. Breckenridge to Denver, about 100 miles. I don’t want to do the Sierra solo for various reasons. So probably pushing it til next summer.

  4. Pingback: May Snow on Mount Shasta (I Am Still Here) – Another Picture On The Wall

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