7 comments on “Breaking Down The North State: The Klamath Mountains Pt. I

  1. What a great post! The maps are amazing! And I am one of the few that you mentioned. Are the numbers really that small? I thought hikers in some spots off 299 were in record numbers. I really appreciate the way you set up the post as a discussion of the Klamath Mountains, and the sub-categories that have their own characteristics. My favourites are the Marble Mountains, the Russian Wilderness, and the Trinity Alps…but I think that’s because those are the ones I’ve seen! As soon as I hike the other places, I’m sure I’ll be able to add them to my favourites.

  2. Pingback: Breaking Down The North State: The Klamath Mountains Pt. II | Hike Mt. Shasta

  3. Pingback: Breaking Down The North State: A Geography Primer | Hike Mt. Shasta

  4. Pingback: A Mount Shasta Reader | Hike Mt. Shasta

  5. Pingback: Hike Mt. Shasta

  6. Pingback: Fen Trail to Pacific Crest Trail (Klamath National Forest, CA) | Live and Let Hike

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